Prime 500 Watt Mono Amplifier
Primed for Performance, the R2-500X1 is a 500 watt, class-D amplifier capable of operating at 4Ω or 2Ω mono. This amplifier is extremely efficient because of its Class-D technology which reduces demand on the vehicles electrical system. The amp also features C.L.E.A.N. circuitry to help you adjust your gain settings, a P.O.W.E.R. supply that generates more power as voltage increases, and integrated Punch EQ that corrects for acoustic deficiencies while delivering up to 3X the bass. Perfect for subwoofers, a variable infrasonic filter and remote level control allows you to tune the bass for the desired level for the music.
R2 Amplifier Product Overview
Rockford Fosgate’s R2 amplifiers are the building blocks for great audio systems, powerful enough to even DRIVE our Punch speakers and subwoofers. They have undergone an amazing upgrade by packing them with the latest features at an incredible value. Best of all, they are designed and engineered here in Tempe, Arizona.